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The Road to Success

As far as I can remember everyone that I have spoken to has had one mission when it comes to the future. Everyone wants to be successful. Everyone’s vision of success is different obviously, but the pursuit of success has always been the final goal. As time ticks by I can’t help but to sit here and reflect on why so many people that are chasing success don’t ever achieve it. 

One of the main things that seems to be a common factor is that everyone thinks that they have time. Time to save, time to buy that house, time to get started, there is always tomorrow. Four little words that you hear over and over, there is always tomorrow. Without realizing that tomorrow is not promised. We would all like to believe that tomorrow will bring another opportunity but what happens when tomorrow does not come. No one is promised tomorrow so why do people wait to start tomorrow? 

Sacrifice and Comfort can not coexist. Our comfort zone is what keeps us safe and slowly kills our dreams. The comfort of a paycheck, health care, routine, or even companionship makes us feel like what we have is enough. Now I am not here to shame you if you are ok with where you are and how your life is going. I truly believe that I am no one to judge someone else or their choices so if you are comfortable and happy, truly happy, then by all means keep living life I am not talking to you. But If you are the person that has a vision for something bigger and you are ready to move out of your comfort zone, then I am here to tell you now is the time. 

Success is not comfortable. Success requires sacrifice. Sacrifice can be in the form of friends, family, but most importantly Habits and lifestyle. You get 24 Hours in a day to make choices that will either keep you right where you are at or move you one day closer to the person and vision that you are dreaming of. Small habits like making your bed every morning, choosing a side salad instead of the fries, parking in the back instead of finding the closest spot to the door. All these little things that make a great difference is what success requires. 

The First step to Success is your mindset. You have to believe in your own words. If you think negatively then negative will follow you but if you start thinking positive and acting on those positie acts, then only positivity will follow. The second step is becoming who you want to be. Dress like who you want to be. Start doing daily habits that will in the long run set you up for a positive routine that will get you living the life you are dreaming of. The third is taking action towards your vision. We can spend all day dreaming of the life we want to build but if no action is taken our dreams stay dreams. 

Look at your life right now. If you are happy with everything the way it is then you are at your success and that if ok, I am not speaking to you. But if you are looking around and are envisioning something different for you then sacrifice is required. Write it down. Know exactly what you are wanting and start making a road map to get there. Start changing that mindset. Start becoming the next level you. And finally start taking action. The journey will not be easy. Nothing about success is easy but it is worth it. 

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