astrid article

The Next Step

Every year during graduation season I sit back and reflect on what I went through and where my life is now. I grew up middle class from immigrant parents living life in the US figuring everything out as we go. I graduated from what was a magnet school located in the middle of the hood. Crazy combination but that is just how it was. The school did not have any sports so we did not have the traditional homecoming or any of the pep rallies or anything like that. The school focused on engineering and early college. 

Because I did not get to experience the traditional high school I feel like I missed out on the entire experience. And because I did not go to my assigned high school I didn’t really have a social life outside of school hours. Not that my mom would have let me because she did not believe in me having friends or being at someone’s house. So again I feel like I missed out on a special time of my life. 

All my life I felt like I was limited on the things I could do. I felt like my brothers had all the freedom and I was stuck. Because I did not want to have a career in the area they had chosen for me I did not have a clear vision of my future. But I also believe that most 18 year olds don’t have a clear vision on what they want their lives to look like in 10 years. That is what I believe is the biggest mistake we make as young adults. We fail to look down the road. 

If I could go back and give myself advice it would be this.#1 Don’t underestimate your talent. You have something in you that keeps calling you and you can use that to create a great future for yourself. #2 Enjoy your life before you settle down. I know you feel trapped because you don’t have any freedom but this will not give you the freedom you are looking for. #3 Stop trying to make other people happy. You need to make decisions with you in mind, not everyone else. #4 College is not the only answer. I know family keeps pushing college on you but that is not the only option you have. #5 Learn about financing. No one will teach you because they don’t know. It is up to you to learn and make better financial decisions.  #6 Make sure you know what you want your future to look like. Be clear about what you want and don’t stop until you get there.  #7 You are now an Adult. A young adult but an adult nevertheless so every decision you make affects you and you will pay the consequences like an adult. #8 Give respect but also demand it. The older generation might still think of you as that small child but you are now an adult and you should be treated as such. #9 Move out. Learning to live on your own is a big deal. Life is not gentle so go out there and learn to live in it. #10 Travel. There is so much out there to explore. Step out of your circle it will be the best decision you will ever make. 

I don’t regret anything that has happened in my life because it had to happen in order for me to be where I am now and be able to advise and guide others through their lives. Now that I have found my passion I want to help other young ladies find theirs and change our culture. For generations we have been taught the same cycle and I am here to support every young lady, or even moms, that don’t have that support because of the circle we are stuck in.

To the Class of 2022, Congratulations the world is waiting! 


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