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The Golden Years

Have you ever stopped to think about what will happen when you are no longer capable of taking care of yourself? I have always thought that as long as I have a retirement account; I would be taken care of. Life has shown me that being financially prepared is not the only thing I have to worry about. Today reality hit hard. My Grandmother had a stroke and had to have open heart surgery. Health insurance took care of the financial side but now; the recovery side will be long and hard. Changes in her body will require her to have the help of some sort. Even though her daughter has stepped up to take care of her, accepting that help is something she needs to wrap her head around. 

Over and over, I see the same thing. As children we have no care in the world. Our parents are responsible for us, physically and financially. Our parents choose to be parents so that responsibility is easy. When we hit teenage years, we can not wait to leave the house. The earge to grow up is something both tennagers and young adults crave. When we are finally able to move out, from that day on, we become independent. And the freedom becomes addicting. We build our lives the way we want to with no explanations. So how do we accept to give up control? And as hard as that might be for ourselves to accept, the changes that our age brings is harder for the family members. Especially for the person that takes on the responsibility of taking care of a loved one. 

As  Hispanics, we have been taught to honor our mother and father. This comes straight from the Bible. Making the children believe that we are responsible for taking care of our elderly parents financially and physically. What no one ever talks about or even takes the time to ask is how making that decision completely changes that child’s life. The responsibility of taking care of a parent takes a toll. Physically, financially, mentally. Their whole life gets turned upside down. Having to change their entire family’s life to accommodate taking care of a loved one. Not that they will not take the challenge on, but it becomes a burden for everyone. That burden becomes even bigger, when the loved one is stubborn and not accepting of the changes that are required for the new chapter of their lives. 

Your golden years are supposed to be the best years of vacations and enjoying retirement. But in order for that to happen as a society we need to start physically, financially and emotionally preparing ourselves for those years. Decide if you will be staying home or going to a retirement home. Make plans for funeral arrangements and pay for them. If care is needed, talk about where you would like to go. As hard as this topic is, we need to start opening up and making retirement options normal. Nursing Homes, At home providers, Retirement communities are all there for those years. Take advantage of them and stop making your children carry all the weight. We need to start preparing every chapter of our lives. Talk to your Life Insurance agent. There are so many options available to make sure your golden years are the best ones yet. Your loved one will not abandon you; they will be right there. And for the love of God please stop holding on to material things, you can’t take that with you. 

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