astrid article

Hidden Life

Recently while on the phone, I noticed myself holding back on some information about my life. I had never noticed it before but that day it became clear to me that some people don’t know key facts about my personal life. After further analysation, I was able to distinguish what topics I am not comfortable discussing with different people that I associate with. I call this “The Hidden life.”

Why do so many of us keep a hidden life? I have always considered myself an open book,  why was I now holding back? The answer was simple, the older I get the more I realize that some people really don’t want me to succeed. We can debate this all day but the truth of the matter is, sometimes when we decide to level up we just simply can’t avoid some of the negativity that people around us carry and portray. 

In my last article I talk about clearing space. I talk about how we must get rid of the old to make space for the new. This is especially important when you are trying to level up. Sometimes people and things can’t level up with you. I have found that some people just don’t understand or know one side of you and believe that YOU are not capable of achieving what goals you  have set for yourself.  My very best friend told me “ never tell people what you are planning to do because that gives them the opportunity to ruin it.” For a while I thought she was crazy. I could not understand why she would say that about people that called themselves family and friends. Who could possibly not want me to succeed? But she was right, their actions and words proved that they really had no interest in supporting me or even believing in me. With some people I felt how they looked at my goals as if they were unattainable. they simply did not even believe I had enough knowledge in the Topic to pursue it. Without even realizing that I have a certification and experience that make me over qualified to achieve any Goal I set for myself.  

We must take inventory of every aspect of our lives. From material things to memories that are only draining to the people we surround ourselves with. When you make the decision to level up we must eliminate all things that will hinder us from moving forward. You should not have to live a hidden life because the people around you should be cheering and expecting more of you. If you are the only one with Goals and expectations at the table, you are sitting at the wrong table. And yes keep some things to yourself, You deserve that, but don’t keep them hidden out of fear. Don’t lower your standards, goals and dreams out of fear of what people may say or do. Always want more for yourself and never stop learning.

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