astrid article

Finding the Path

While on my life journey I kept tripping over rocks on the road. It did not matter which route I took, I kept tripping. That would cause me to start over in a different direction. Until  I stopped and reevaluated instead of continuously going a different direction. I realized that it was not the road, it was me. My habits, my mindset, my way of living was what was making me trip. When things would not go my way I would pout and start over. It was not really my fault. I was living the way I was taught, right?

Like I mentioned before; I have two loving parents. They really did their very best. I am a parent myself so I understand there is no right way to parent. There is no book, no outline, nothing. We are really just doing our best as parents to teach and give our children the best life possible. But when I kept tripping, I had to take inventory of my life. I realized that as a child I was not taught to actually take the journey. I was just taught to survive. I questioned everything, I mean everything. From religion, to morals, to finances everything. Now I have not found the answer. I just found a better way that works for me.

I was raised Catholic again, nothing against that religion but I no longer consider myself Catholic. I believe in God and his son Jesus Christ but nothing else. I still get looks and speeches on why I should be a Catholic. But I have made the decision and will not go back. Finances were not discussed when I was younger. You hear everyone saying three things to never discuss, your relationship, your money and your next move. And in the hispanic culture this could not be more true. No one talks about how much they make, or how much you spent on things. Payments, interest, credit, investment, IRA’s, none of it was discussed. The only thing they said was to have good credit, but did not teach you how to obtain it. They said don’t spend more than you make, but never taught you how to manage money. Good credit will give you good interest, but not what is good interest. Save for a rainy day and make sure your job offers a 401K for retirement, they say. Over and over you hear the same thing, go to school, get a good education so you can get a good job. That was our finance conversation. Hispanics do not educate about finances but I believe that is because they can’t teach what they don’t know.

I had to relearn everything that I had heard.  When school did not work for me I had to change paths so I jumped into the workforce. Back when I first started working in 2005 minimum wage in Texas was $6.25 and that was my pay. I felt that, because I chose to not go to school I had to start from the bottom and I did. As I type this, I realize this was my first sign that my mindset was not in the right place, however, I did not know any better at the time. After a year I found a job paying double my hourly pay at $12.50, medical benefits and a 401K.  At that time I thought I had made it. Until I was let go a year later because the company closed that location. I got that same speech I had gotten in high school. Just find yourself another job that has the same benefits. This took me to the state. Which, to many, this was it. Working for the state was the “it” job. “They offer everything Astrid, you will be able to retire from there at age 53.” Oh this was it. Not only was I getting paid well (for that time), they offered great medical care, plus their own retirement that they matched, and on top of all that, I was able to retire at 53 when most people had to wait till 62. In everyone’s eyes I had it made.

Not once did I hear, “Astrid you are so talented in many areas why don’t you start your own business.” Business?!?! As far as I can recall, I never heard those words. Never were we encouraged to start a business. We were always taught to work, and never to lead. At age 28 my partner and I decided that we could open up a trucking business. I knew nothing about the industry but he believed he knew enough for both of us and he could teach me everything. I was clueless but one thing I knew is that I was a fast learner and I knew everything to run an office. So we jumped and ran our trucking business for 5 years successfully clearing 6 figures. Started with one truck and a 8ft bed to 5 trucks all with 40ft trailers and a 18 wheeler. Dang we did that! We made the decision to shut it down because we knew the direction it was going and we knew that was no longer our path. And that is all people saw. We shut it down. Not once was I seen for my success but for my failure. How was it that we preach unity but unless we have a good paying job we are not worthy.

I have taken inventory of my family and this has been going on from one generation to the next. That is why I decided to change it. Changing the way I think, believing in me, not following footsteps, learning, preparing and teaching my child differently. We can’t break the cycle until we start talking about it. Hispanic women can do it! We can run a business. I have bad ass cousins doing their thing out here and I am so proud of them. Women that have chosen to open and successfully run their business. Here in the states and in Mexico. Women of my generation are kicking ass. Change your mindset. Learn from successful people. Lets question our past generations to pave the way for the future. 

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