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Creating Space

After reading a book for minimalism I decided to turn my household into a more minimalist lifestyle. I took the first quarter of the year to go through my entire house and get rid of anything that we are no longer using. This was very hard as some of the items had more of a sentimental value to them. Those are always the hardest to get rid of because of the memories they hold. But hard decisions were made so I could move to the next chapter of my life. 

But while cleaning out my dining room became a dumping ground. Stuff on, stuff, on top of stuff. It became so overwhelming to look at the mess all day. Until everything was out of the house and everything else was in its place I was able to feel at ease. Then it got me thinking how many times have we held onto things in our lives that take our peace  and space away. Our lives become cluttered because we don’t take the time to clear out all unnecessary things. 

This week I challenge you to take inventory of your life. People, things, emotions and thoughts that are just taking up space but most importantly taking your peace away. You need to take time and clear out your mind in order to make space for all the new blessings that God has for you. We tend to live in the past and hold onto things that no longer serve us. 

I suggest you start with your emotions. Forgive that person that said or did something wrong, Not because they deserve it but because you need that space in your heart. That memory of them doing something wrong is taking inventory in your mind. Now forgiving does not mean allowing this person to come back into your life. Don’t give them the space to cause harm again it just means that they are no longer consuming your heart and mind. 

When you clear your heart and mind then start taking inventory of things you keep holding on to because of memories. Clear out all that clothes that no longer fit. That decor you no longer like. The sheets that dont feel good on your skin. Clear out all the items that no longer make you feel good. A crowded environment leads to a crowded mindset. 

The Goal of this project is to get rid of anything that no longer makes you feel good. Get rid of all the clutter that is just weighing you down. When people say new year new me I don’t believe they are all talking about physically looking new but I believe they are expressing how one changes their environment to feel and do better. 

So make a promise to yourself to start. Make yourself a list of rooms you want to tackle. Give yourself a time frame and execute. I suggest selling any items that can be sold to make you a little extra money but you can also just donate. It does not matter what you decide to do as long as it gets done. Remember you are doing this for you. 

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