astrid article
My Body, My Choice!
One of the most quoted quotes these days is my body, my choice. We are hearing it over and over due to the decision our county has taken to overturn Roe vs Wade.…
The Next Step
Every year during graduation season I sit back and reflect on what I went through and where my life is now. I grew up middle class from immigrant parents living life in the…
Growing up without
Growing up in middle class America, my parents always made sure we had what we needed. Not what we wanted but everything we needed. Overall we were very blessed to have a roof…
Woman or Wife/Mother
After 34 years of marriage my mother decided to end her marriage. At first it was a shock. I could not understand how someone woke up and decided that they no longer wanted…
Chasing the Dollar
When our family members decide to leave everything they have ever known behind and come to a country that is new is the scariest and sometimes the best decision. To make that decision…
The Road to Success
As far as I can remember everyone that I have spoken to has had one mission when it comes to the future. Everyone wants to be successful. Everyone’s vision of success is different…
Growing up Different
Over the years I have taken notes of the way my family has been raised. From my household, my parents, aunts, cousins and now we are raising my nephews and nieces. I am…
Finding the Path
While on my life journey I kept tripping over rocks on the road. It did not matter which route I took, I kept tripping. That would cause me to start over in a…
This is Me!
For the past couple of the years I have taken the time to understand who is Astrid. It has been a journey, but allow me to give a little background. I am an immigrant…