I have been absent not only because of personal choice to just take some time for myself but also because I have been working full time. I told myself that I would not…
What makes you Hispanic?
Recently at a family gathering one of my family members asked my son a question in Spanish. Even though I taught him Spanish as a baby, the older he gets the less he…
Silent Killer
I write about personal sexperience. All my stories are about my life, my experience and this is no different. This topic is hard but we must talk about it. I have been struggling…
Hidden Life
Recently while on the phone, I noticed myself holding back on some information about my life. I had never noticed it before but that day it became clear to me that some people…
Creating Space
After reading a book for minimalism I decided to turn my household into a more minimalist lifestyle. I took the first quarter of the year to go through my entire house and get…
New Year, New me!
It’s December 31 and everyone is getting ready to bring in the new year. From fireworks to champagne, shiny dresses and the ball drop in time square. The new year brings in new…
New Traditions
As the holidays are approaching, everyone is making plans to spend time with loved ones. This got me things about tradition and family. Growing up it was custom to spend the holidays with…
The Right Circle
Growing up my mother used to say “Not everyone is your friend” and “Mind the people around you”. But when you are young, this kind of advice usually goes in one ear and…
You must Love yourself first
Everyone was tuned in to the trial of Depp VS Heard. Regardless of the side you are on, one thing I feel we can all agree on is the fact that we can…
The Golden Years
Have you ever stopped to think about what will happen when you are no longer capable of taking care of yourself? I have always thought that as long as I have a retirement…